School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway

Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

February 15, 2007 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance
Minutes: Present:  Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5.  Charles Van Zant, District No. 3, was absent due to his request from the Governor for a leave of absence from his elected position for the remainder of his military deployment.  Superintendent David Owens was also in attendance at the meeting. 

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of student disciplinary hearings and regular meeting on January 18, 2007
Attachment: Jan1807.pdf
Attachment: Jan1807.pdf (Confidential Item)
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Amendments to the 2006-2007 Staff Allocations
Attachment: Staff Allocations - 2006-2007 - Proposed Changes.pdf
4. C-3 2007-2008 Employee Work Calendar, Florida Youth Challenge Academy Calendar, 2007 Summer School Calendars (Elementary, Secondary & ESE), 2007 Summer Voluntary PreK Calendar & 2007 Summer Work Day for Personnel Other Than Summer School Teachers
Attachment: Calendars - 2007-2008.pdf
Information Services

5. C-5 Travel for Three Telephone Technicians to attend training workshops on the Nortel Enterprise Telephone System
Human Resources

6. C-6 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 0207.pdf
7. C-7 Amend the 2006-2007 Salary Schedule
Attachment: Salary Schedule Changes Feb.2007.pdf

8. C-8 Appoint members to A Business-Community (ABC) School Program Evaluation Committee
9. C-9 Consultant for Title I
Attachment: Title I Feb 2007 SB Kuhns-Catherine06.pdf
10. C-10 School Improvement Mid Year Reports
Attachment: BLC SINIReportingDocument.pdf
Attachment: Clay - ARGYLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - CHARLES E. BENNETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - CLAY HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - CLAY HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - DOCTORS INLET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - FLEMING ISLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - Fleming Island High School - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - GREEN COVE SPRINGS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - GROVE PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - J. L. WILKINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - KEYSTONE HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - KEYSTONE HEIGHTS JR-SR HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - LAKE ASBURY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - LAKESIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - LAKESIDE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - MCRAE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - MIDDLEBURG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - MIDDLEBURG HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - MONTCLAIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - ORANGE PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - ORANGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - ORANGE PARK JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - RIDEOUT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - RIDGEVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - RIDGEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - ROBERT M. PATERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - S. BRYAN JENNINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - SWIMMING PEN CREEK - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - TYNES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - W. E. CHERRY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
Attachment: Clay - WILKINSON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jan07 Report.pdf
11. C-11 Co-Enrollee list for January 2007
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for January 2007.pdf (Confidential Item)
12. C-12 Bannerman Learning Center Placement in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements feb 07.pdf
13. C-13 Student Travel
Attachment: Student Travel-Board Backup-February 15, 2007.pdf
Attachment: Student Travel-Bd. Backup-February 15, 2007.pdf
14. C-15 Adoption of Foreign Language and Career and Technical Education textbooks
Attachment: Foreign Language and Career & Tech Ed Adoptions 021506.xls
Business Affairs

15. C-16 Monthly Property Report - January, 2007 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-January, 07.pdf
16. C-17 Monthly Property Report - January, 2007 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-January, 2007.pdf
17. C-18 Monthly Property Report - January, 2007 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-January, 07.pdf
18. C-19 Monthly Property Report - January, 2007 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-January, 07.pdf
19. C-20 Deletion of Certain Items Report - February, 2007
Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report-February, 07.pdf
Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report (Attachments)-February, 07.pdf
20. C-21 Budget Amendments for the Month of January, 2007
Attachment: JAN-budget cover sheet_impact stmt_.pdf
21. C-23 Monthly Financial Report for January, 2007
Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL JAN, 2007.xls
22. C-25 Warrants and Vouchers for JANUARY, 2007
Support Services

23. C-26 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: February Contractors.pdf
24. C-28 Revised Construction Manager At-Risk Contract
Attachment: CM Contract 2.15.07.pdf
25. C-29 Clay County Utility Authority Agreement for Elementary School "W"
Attachment: CCUA Elem W.pdf
26. C-30 Clay Electric Easement for Parcel 12C (Oakleaf School Sites)
Attachment: Clay Electric Easement, Parcel 12C.pdf
27. C-31 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Re-Roofing Buildings 1 & 2 at Grove Park Elementary School
28. C-32 Construction contract award for Duct Board Replacement at Clay High School B-3A
Attachment: CHS.BidTab.Rev.pdf
29. C-33 Amend the Construction Manager At-Risk Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Skanska USA Building, Inc. for Elementary Schools "W" and "X"
Attachment: Skanska CM Contract Amendment.pdf
30. C-34 Amendment to the 06/07 Classrooms For Kids Program Funding Distribution
Attachment: Clsrm for Kids 06.07.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
31. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items
Minutes: Consent Items C-4, C-14, C-22, C-24 and C-27 were moved to Discussion. 

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion or Withdrawn.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Recognitions and Awards
32. Recognize Teachers receiving National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification
Minutes: Neil Sanders, Director of Instructional Personnel, introduced the teachers receiving National Board certification and presented each with a certificate of accomplishment and a small bouquet of flowers.

Scheduled Citizen Requests (There were none)
Presenters (There were none)
Discussion Agenda
School Board Attorney

33. Resolution seeking voting member status on Planning Commission
Attachment: BCCResolutionReVoteStatus.pdf
Minutes: Upon approval, the Resolution will be transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners.  Our request is that the School Board's representative who is already serving on the Planning Commission be given the status of a voting member.

Approve the Resolution as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Deputy Superintendent

34. 2007-2008 Student Calendar
Attachment: Calendar - 2007-2008 Student.pdf
Minutes: First day for students will be August 20, 2007.  The first semester will conclude prior to the Christmas Break, which is scheduled for December 24, 2007 through January 4, 2008.  Students' last day will be June 4, 2008. 

Approve the calendar as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Wayne Bolla
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

35. 2007-2008 Staff Allocations
Attachment: Staff Allocations - 2007-2008.pdf

Approve the allocations as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

36. Public Hearing to approve, as advertised, amendments to CCSB Policy 5.03 Financial Accounting Policies and Procedures
Attachment: CCSB Policy 5.03-C Public Hearing.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.

Approve the amendments as advertised.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

37. Extended Public Hearing to approve, as advertised, amendments to CCSB Policy 6.01 Educational and Ancillary Facilities
Attachment: CCSB Policy 6.01 J,.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.

Approve item as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

38. C-4 (Bolla) Amendments to CCSB Policy 6.01 Educational and Ancillary Facilities, Section K. School Size
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 6 01 K - School Size - Advertise.pdf

Approve item for advertisement with minor word changes to read "The Board shall initiate one or more of the following actions" under 1B and 2B.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Wayne Bolla
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Human Resources

39. Special Teachers Are Rewarded Performance Pay Plan 2006-2007
Attachment: STAR Program.pdf

40. Youth Art Month Proclamation
Attachment: ArtProclamation.pdf
Minutes: Clay County art teachers, Kesia Reniger, Heather Pollack and Cindy Smith, addressed this item supporting art education in our schools and proclaming March as Youth Art Month.

Approve the Proclamation as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Wayne Bolla
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

41. C-14 (Bolla) Contract between School Board of Clay County and Keys to Safer to provide training on "Assessing the Potentially Dangerous Student"
Attachment: Keys to Safer Schools.pdf

It was noted that the purpose of this item is not to "profile" students but, using a simplified list of observable traits and characteristics, to look at the whole student for potentially dangerous traits.

Approve Contract between School Board of Clay County and Keys to Safer to provide training on "Assessing the Potentially Dangerous Student" as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Business Affairs

42. C-22 (Bolla) Bid Renewals February 2007
Attachment: Bid Renewals for February 2007.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Bolla pulled this item and asked why the school district does not bid for these services every year.  Nancy Racine, Director of Purchasing, explained that the bid agreement gives the option to renew if both parties agree.  However, it is to the Board's advantage to not re-bid when new bid prices would most likely come in higher.

Extend Contract(s) as presented in the attachment.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

43. C-24 (Bickner) Bids to be awarded in February 2007
Attachment: BidsAwardedFeb07.pdf
Minutes: Board Attorney Bruce Bickner explained that the background information for this item was changed to reflect that all responsive bids were approved for contract award.  The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, William Scotsman, with the possibility of further award depending on the inability of the lowest bidders to fulfill the requirements.

Approve as presented in the attached individual bid summaries.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Support Services

44. C-27 (Bolla) Educational Specification for Elementary Schools
Minutes: Mr. Bolla pulled this item to request the Board's consideration for reducing the square footage of classroom space.  It was noted that this has been discussed at length in previous meetings and the issue has been reviewed on several occasions by both staff and teachers.  It was felt that the specifications are appropriate and consensus from the other three board members was in favor of the specifications as recommended by the superintendent and staff in the item.

Approve the Educational Specification.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Nay
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

45. Rescind School Board Action on July 31, 2006 Approving a School Capacity Definition and Approve a New Capacity Definition

Rescind School Board action on July 31, 2006 and approve the Capacity Definition as the lesser of the F.I.S.H. student stations or the cafetorium core capacity.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Nay
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

46. Option and Direction on Junior High "PP"

Mike Elliott, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, briefly reviewed for the School Board the four options previously discussed regarding Junior High "PP. "   The school district can "buy some time" by opting to increase the concurrency level of service standard for junior highs to 110%.

Recommend an increase in the Junior High Level Of Service Standard to 110%.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

47. Level Of Service Standards for School Types
Attachment: FEB15LOSSTANDARD.doc

Approve the Level Of Service Standards as follows: Elementary - 110% Junior High - 110% High - 110% Combination - 110%- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

48. Initial and Long Range Initiatives in Order to Develop a Concurrency Management System
Attachment: FEB15IMPLICATIONS.doc
Minutes: Mr. Bolla felt more time was needed to review the initiatives included in the Plan, and recommended that the item be tabled to the next meeting.  The motion failed for lack of a second, and the other three board members felt ready to move forward with approval of the item.

Approve the Initial and Long Range Initiatives as attached.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Wayne Bolla
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

49. Appoint Architect for Elementary School "X"

Appoint McCullar & Boatright Architects in association with Paul Stresing Associates as architect for Elementary School “X” at a fee of 4.5% of the construction cost.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

50. Revision to the 2006/07-2007/08 Educational Facilities Plan to Advance Elementary School “X” to F.Y. 2008-09 and Delaying Elementary “Z” to F.Y. 2009-10
Attachment: Ed Fac Plan Revision.pdf
Minutes: For the record, it was noted that Elementary School "X" will be constructed in the Lake Asbury area on the west side of County Road 218 and Elementary School "Z" will be in the Oakleaf area west of Branen Field Road.  Elementary "W" (Oakleaf East) will maintain its current schedule.  

Approve the revised plan.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Presentations from the Audience (There were none)
Superintendent Requests
51. Special Board Meeting
Minutes: Superintendent Owens expressed the need for a special meeting to approve the district's STAR Plan which had to be pulled from this agenda.  The meeting was scheduled for Monday, February 26, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at Fleming Island High School in the Teacher Inservice Center.

School Board's Requests
52. Report from Northeast Florida School Boards' Coalition Meeting
Minutes: Mr. Bolla gave a brief report from the recent meeting he attended.  The Coalition is made up of the five counties in the northeast quadrant of the state.  Since the five counties will have more effectiveness working together, common legislative issues will be promoted to the Legislature as a joint effort.  Beverly Slough, who is Chairman of the Coalition, will make a presentation to our School Board at the March meeting to review these common issues and how they will be presented.
53. Board Policy Regarding Attendance by Electronic Media
Minutes: Mr. Bolla suggested, that in light of recent issues, we review the Board's policy concerning Board Member participation by the use of electronic media.

54. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

